Our Values 

WORKER'S RIGHTS: We must put the interests of working people ahead of quarterly profits, shareholder dividends, and stock buybacks. We believe that every worker should earn living wage, that health care should be universal, high-quality, and affordable, and that workers should have a say in their workplaces through strong unions.

CIVIL RIGHTS: The right to vote, to take part in civil society, to live without fear of violence — these are essential to our democracy. New restrictions on the right to vote, such as voter ID laws and limits on early voting, are as undemocratic as the poll taxes and literacy tests of sixty years ago. We are fighting for a future in which all civil rights are truly universal.

QUALITY OF LIFE: Every family deserves clean air and clean water to raise their children. We all deserve safety from violent storms and wildfires. However, decades of putting profits for wealthy special interests first has resulted in an environment that is too often unsafe — and growing worse. We believe it is time to embrace science and embrace practical solutions to restore our environment and stop climate change.

These are our values. We believe they should center a new, progressive political conversation to put working people first. We hope you’ll join us.